*As many readers know, I am a full-time public school teacher with a very thin amount of *personal reflection time* during the hours the stock market is open and trading. During this morning's precious metal volatility I looked at the 25 or so positions I have in the three accounts I manage and said to myself, "too many positions, too complicated to keep track of with little to no time to be optimally effective - enough". *Gold had made a swing high signalling the likely top in its current daily cycle, the daily TSI on both gold and silver signalled a sell, and sell I did. I sold until there was just about nothing left to sell. I wanted to simplify my investments, move forward with clarity and that goal has been accomplished.*My outlook is that the US Dollar has likely not yet bottomed. It needs to do that first, then rally to begin a new daily cycle. Each of its most recent daily cycles have headed higher for a handful of days and then rolled over - and in the process the dollar made a lower low before the conclusion of that particular daily cycle. I will very selectively buy positions when the dollar begins to roll over in its next daily cycle. I anticipate that will be several to quite a few days away. And when I do buy I will keep it much simpler - no more having 25-30 positions to sell, that's for sure.*Today's sales in my TSI trading account included: SFMI, AGQ, GPL, SVM, NXG, SLW (options), SIL (options), and ANO. I have noted the sales prices in my TSI Trading Record.*My TSI Trading record has been updated and for the nine months since I began this blog the cumulative total is now 600.7%.
Terimakasih anda telah membaca artikel tentang Sold All Kinds of Stuff. Jika ingin menduplikasi artikel ini diharapkan anda untuk mencantumkan link https://coinbasesum.blogspot.com/2011/04/sold-all-kinds-of-stuff.html. Terimakasih atas perhatiannya.