*This is the daily chart of Santa Fe Gold Corp (SFEG) which I sold today at $1.04 for a respectable 9.5% gain. I had to hold the stock for 5 weeks, but sometimes that happens. *Click on the chart to ENLARGE*I've reviewed the 18 stocks that I have suggested on the Tomorrow's Trades (Today!) page and I confidently believe each and every one will hit their target sell price and be a profitable trade - except for PLG. The reason this one concerns me is that it is platinum related and I am just not so sure that platinum, and palladium for that matter, are going to get in gear like I had hoped. *I have been buying some positions on the silver side of the street as I am slowly selling off gold related positions. These trades don't show up on my TSI Trading record because they are all call options and I don't know how to account for those due to their leverage. In any event, I own call options on CDE, SIL and SLW, fwiw.*My TSI Trading record has been updated. The cummulative total of my trades since beginning this blog 9 months ago is now +640.2%
Terimakasih anda telah membaca artikel tentang Sold SFEG - $1.04. Jika ingin menduplikasi artikel ini diharapkan anda untuk mencantumkan link https://coinbasesum.blogspot.com/2011/03/sold-sfeg-104.html. Terimakasih atas perhatiannya.